Membership dues are $30 a year for an individual and $45 for a couple. Sustaining memberships (for those who can afford it) are $75 or more for an individual and $125 or more for a couple. Sustaining memberships are essential to underwrite those who cannot afford membership but are in need of our services. Low-income memberships are available at 50% of the current annual rate. In some instances, at sole discretion of the staff, seniors with unique circumstances are granted free memberships. There are also applicable fees associated with certain trips, programs and activities.
Any senior over the age of 55 is eligible to participate in Senior Center sponsored activities, trips and programs. Particular programs may require the approval of a physician and/or an assessment by a social worker. A home health aide, companion or family member may accompany a participant should they require specific assistance for participation in an activity, event or trip. The Program Coordinator reserves the right to assess participants for appropriateness in their behavior and health for participation in programs, activities and trips.
1. Members hall treat others with courtesy and respect;
2. Members shall not use profanity or engage in the use of derogatory comments or language that is abusive, threatening, loud, insulting or harassing;
3. Members shall not fight, encourage others to fight, bully, harass or engage in disruptive behavior;
4. Members shall not damage or deface Center property;
5. Members shall not remove any property from the Center without permission from a staff member;
6. Members shall not steal;
7. Members shall not bring alcohol, illegal drugs or weapons to the Center;
Any infraction to the above may be grounds for a verbal or written warning, suspension or expulsion from New Horizons Senior Center with all the rights and privileges thereof.
The key staff (Program Coordinator, Assistant Director, Executive Director) have the right to exclude any person who repeatedly and intentionally does not follow the guidelines set forth in this manual. Infractions can be brought to a key staff person’s attention by other staff or participants in the Center’s programs or activities. Actions that may lead to exclusion are as follows:
Individuals who have problems that cannot be managed by staff can be excluded from participation. These problems include but are not limited to wandering, inability to toilet independently, abusive or harmful behavior. Any person who is suspect of any problem will be notified and have the opportunity to meet with a key staff person regarding the issue. The alleged will be notified in writing of the date, time and place of the meeting. It is the intent to arrive at an appropriate resolution. This meeting may include family members.
Individuals who create serious disruptions or act inappropriately may be asked to leave a program or activity by a staff member. If the individual does not leave voluntarily, the staff has the authority to take appropriate measures to have the individual removed.
If a participant feels that the behavior or action of another participant is harmful or threatening to themselves or others, they should bring this to the attention of a staff member. All conversations will be handled with complete discretion and confidentiality.
In the event of a decision to exclude a participant from Senior Center programs and activities, the excluded person may request in writing another hearing with the Executive Director
Membership dues are $30 a year for an individual and $45 for a couple. Sustaining memberships (for those who can afford it) are $75 or more for an individual and $125 or more for a couple. Sustaining memberships are essential to underwrite those who cannot afford membership but are in need of our services. Low-income memberships are available at 50% of the current annual rate. In some instances, at sole discretion of the staff, seniors with unique circumstances are granted free memberships. There are also applicable fees associated with certain trips, programs and activities.
Any senior over the age of 55 is eligible to participate in Senior Center sponsored activities, trips and programs. Particular programs may require the approval of a physician and/or an assessment by a social worker. A home health aide, companion or family member may accompany a participant should they require specific assistance for participation in an activity, event or trip. The Program Coordinator reserves the right to assess participants for appropriateness in their behavior and health for participation in programs, activities and trips.
1. Members hall treat others with courtesy and respect;
2. Members shall not use profanity or engage in the use of derogatory comments or language that is abusive, threatening, loud, insulting or harassing;
3. Members shall not fight, encourage others to fight, bully, harass or engage in disruptive behavior;
4. Members shall not damage or deface Center property;
5. Members shall not remove any property from the Center without permission from a staff member;
6. Members shall not steal;
7. Members shall not bring alcohol, illegal drugs or weapons to the Center;
Any infraction to the above may be grounds for a verbal or written warning, suspension or expulsion from New Horizons Senior Center with all the rights and privileges thereof.
The key staff (Program Coordinator, Assistant Director, Executive Director) have the right to exclude any person who repeatedly and intentionally does not follow the guidelines set forth in this manual. Infractions can be brought to a key staff person’s attention by other staff or participants in the Center’s programs or activities. Actions that may lead to exclusion are as follows:
- Sexual harassment directed at staff, or another participant. This could be verbal, written or physical in nature.
- The use of obscene or profane language, gestures or verbal abuse.
- Possession, use or being under the influence of illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages.
- Intoxication or having alcohol on one’s breath.
- Intentionally causing or attempting to cause physical injury to another person, with the exception of self-defense.
- Repeated and intentional disregard for adhering to the rules and regulations as set forth in this manual.
- Carrying a dangerous object, firearm, knife or anything that would, or could be used to cause another to feel threatened in any way.
- Making disparaging remarks to another regarding their religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation or race.
- Making unauthorized physical contact with another participant or staff member.
Individuals who have problems that cannot be managed by staff can be excluded from participation. These problems include but are not limited to wandering, inability to toilet independently, abusive or harmful behavior. Any person who is suspect of any problem will be notified and have the opportunity to meet with a key staff person regarding the issue. The alleged will be notified in writing of the date, time and place of the meeting. It is the intent to arrive at an appropriate resolution. This meeting may include family members.
Individuals who create serious disruptions or act inappropriately may be asked to leave a program or activity by a staff member. If the individual does not leave voluntarily, the staff has the authority to take appropriate measures to have the individual removed.
If a participant feels that the behavior or action of another participant is harmful or threatening to themselves or others, they should bring this to the attention of a staff member. All conversations will be handled with complete discretion and confidentiality.
In the event of a decision to exclude a participant from Senior Center programs and activities, the excluded person may request in writing another hearing with the Executive Director